How to Improve Vocabulary: 15 Ways to Expand Your Vocab
11 min readJan 9, 2023


Most people think that the words they know are all the words there are. This is not true. The average person only knows between 3,000 and 5,000 words. This means that there are hundreds of thousands of English words with meaning that you do not know. But this does not mean that you won’t be able to learn them! Luckily, there are a wealth of resources for how to improve your vocabulary. This ranges from online dictionaries to watching tv for native language speakers. The most effective of all methods is to learn English by reading books. Whatever you choose, this blog will give you everything you need to start building your personal dictionary today.

What is vocabulary?

You’re going to need more than simple English reading how-to articles. The English language is a vast range of vocabulary and filled with a rich history. The origins of words can be traced back to Anglo-Saxon times, and the meanings of words have changed drastically over the years. As a result, there are now many different types of vocabulary lists in the English language. Here are just a few of the most common vocabulary word lists:

  • Anglicisms: Words that are derived from English but are not used in other varieties of English, such as American English or British English.
  • Colloquialisms: Informal words or phrases that are used in everyday speech.
  • Slang: very informal words or phrases that are only used in specific contexts or by certain groups of people.
  • Jargon: a specialized language that is used by a particular group of people, such as scientists or medical professionals.
  • Standard English: the form of English that is considered to be correct and is used in formal settings.

Why is a Strong Vocabulary Important?

A strong active vocabulary is important for many reasons. It can help you communicate more effectively, give you a greater range of expression, and allow you to better understand what others are saying. It can also make you more persuasive and improve your writing skills. Below, we have identified a list of all the daily activities a good core vocabulary list can benefit from.

  • Reading: Increasing your vocabulary is important for reading for a few reasons. First, readers who have a large vocabulary can read more challenging texts because they can understand more words. Second, readers with a strong vocabulary can better appreciate wordplay, humor, and other literary devices that rely on language. Finally, readers who know word-building vocabulary are better able to express their own ideas and thoughts in writing.
  • Listening: This is an effective way to source reading practice online. Learning new words is important for Listening, as it allows you to better understand what you hear. The ability to understand and use a wide range of words is essential for effective communication.
  • Writing: Learning how to learn vocabulary is important for Writing for several reasons. First, using a variety of words helps to make your writing more interesting and more engaging for your reader. Second, a wide range of words can help you to more accurately convey the message or idea that you are trying to communicate. Third, using different words can also help you to avoid using the same word too often, which can make your writing seem repetitive.
  • Presenting: Strong vocabulary skills are the key to an impressive speech or presentation. It helps you sound more confident and better informed. It also makes it easier for your audience to understand and remember your message.
  • Conversation: Talking to others can help you better express your ideas and thoughts, and can also make you seem more articulate and intelligent. Additionally, a wide vocabulary can help you better understand what others are saying, as well as improve your reading comprehension. Finally, a skill that helps you to widen your vocabulary can be helpful in many different professions, such as customer service or sales.

How to Improve Vocabulary: 15 Ways

There are many ways to improve your vocabulary, but some methods are more effective than others. In this blog, we will identify the best ways to expand your ever-growing word bank. These fun word games can provide effective vocabulary learning.

  • Use New Words: One of the best ways to improve your vocabulary is to pay attention to conversations and make a note of new words. You can then look up the meaning of the word and how to use it in a sentence. It’s also a good idea to try and use the new word as soon as possible so that you can remember it.
  • Read Every Day: A great way to expose yourself to new words is to read as much as you can. This can be anything from novels and magazines to online articles and blogs. As you come across new words, make a note of them and look up their meanings. You can also keep a notebook or diary to record new words and their definitions.
  • Vocabulary Trees: Another effective way to learn new words is to create vocabulary trees. This involves writing down a word at the top of a page and then brainstorming all the different words that are related to it. For example, if you start with the word ‘tree’, you could brainstorm words like ‘branch’, ‘leaves’, ‘trunk’, ‘roots’, etc. This is a great way to learn the meaning of new words as well as how they are related to other words.
  • Use Technology to Help You: There are many different apps and websites to help you learn how to build a better vocabulary. For example, there are apps that provide you with a word of the day, as well as games and quizzes to test your knowledge. You can also find websites that have lists of words, their definitions, and example sentences.
  • Keep a Journal: A journal is a great place to record new words and their meanings. Every time you come across a new word, make a note of it in your journal. You can also use your journal to practice using new words in sentences. This is a great way to solidify your understanding of the meaning of the word as well as how to use it.
  • Identify Empty Words: Another effective way to improve your vocabulary is to identify empty words. These are words that don’t really have a meaning or that are overused. For example, words like ‘stuff’, ‘things’, or ‘nice’. Once you have identified these words, try to find more interesting and specific words to replace them.
  • Diversify Your Reading List: A great way to expose yourself to new words is to diversify your reading list. Instead of just reading novels, try reading non-fiction books, magazines, and online articles. This will help you to come across a wide range of new words.
  • Do Word Puzzles: Word puzzles are a great way to learn new words as well as test your knowledge. There are many types of word puzzles, such as crosswords, word searches, and anagrams. You can find these puzzles in newspapers, magazines, and online.
  • Try Word Board Games: Board games are not just for kids! There are many different types of board games that can help you to improve your vocabulary. For example, Scrabble is a great game for expanding your vocab. Boggle is another good option, as it challenges you to find as many words as possible in a limited amount of time.
  • Create Word Associations: A great way to learn new words is the brain activity of creating word associations. For example, if you are trying to remember the word ‘antidisestablishmentarianism’, you could associate it with the word ‘rebellion’. This will help you recall the meaning of the word and how to spell it.
  • Use Mnemonics: Mnemonics are memory aids that can help you to remember new information. There are many different types of mnemonics, but one common technique is to create an acronym. For example, the word ‘HOMES’ can be used to remember the Great Lakes: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior.
  • Take a Writing Course: A writing course will expose you to a wide range of new words. As you learn about grammar and style, you will also come across new vocabulary. In addition, your instructor will be able to give you feedback on your use of new words.
  • Edit Your Own Writing: Another great way to learn new words is to edit your own writing. As you proofread your work, circle any words that you aren’t familiar with. Then, look up the definitions of these words and try to use them in future pieces of writing.
  • Move Words from Comprehensive to Expressive Vocabulary: A great way to improve your expressive vocabulary is to move words from your comprehensive vocabulary. This means that you should focus on using the words that you know in speaking and writing, rather than just understanding them. As you use these words more, they will become a part of your everyday vocabulary.
  • Consider Apps to Improve Your Vocabulary: Learning how to increase your vocabulary does not need to be a difficult or time-consuming task. There are now many technological advancements that make it easier than ever to learn new words and their definitions quickly. One such tool is the LillyPad app. LillyPad provides users with a simple and effective way to expand their vocabulary. The app works by presenting users with new words and their definitions daily. In addition, LillyPad also includes example sentences of how the words can be used in context. As a result, users can quickly learn English words to improve their vocabulary and how to use them correctly.


This blog has identified the 15 key ways to improve English vocabulary effectively over time. These tips are designed to help you gradually build up your vocabulary by introducing new and better words into your everyday life. By following these tips, you can expand your vocabulary in English significantly and become more articulate and confident in your speaking and writing abilities. With a little effort, you can greatly improve your command of the English language. So what are you waiting for? Utilize these tips to improve your English and start expanding your vocabulary today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I improve my vocabulary and fluency?

There are a number of ways to improve your vocabulary and fluency. One way is to read as much as possible. By reading extensively, you will be exposed to a variety of new words and phrases. In addition, try to pay attention to how the words are used in context. Another way to improve your vocabulary is to keep a journal. Whenever you come across a new word, make a note of it in your journal and try to use it in a sentence. This will help you to remember the word and deepen your understanding of its meaning.

How can I improve my vocabulary at home?

One way to improve your vocabulary is by reading a variety of materials. This can include books, magazines, newspapers, and even websites. As you encounter new words, take the time to look up their definitions. Another way to expand your vocabulary is by keeping a journal. As you come across new words, record them in your journal along with their definitions. You can also use your journal to practice using new words in sentences. In addition, there are many online games and apps that can help you learn new words in a fun and interactive way.

How can I learn new words everyday?

A great way to learn new words is to read as much as possible. By reading, you will encounter new words and phrases that you can look up in a dictionary. In addition, you can keep a notebook in which you write down new words and their definitions. Another great way to learn new words is to take up a new hobby or interest. This can provide you with a whole new vocabulary to learn.

How can I learn English vocabulary?

If you’re looking to learn English vocabulary, there are a number of resources that can help. Books, websites, and apps can all be useful tools for building your vocabulary. One effective method is to create a list of words that you want to learn and review them regularly. You can also try using flashcards or playing word games to help you remember new words. By taking the time to learn new words and practice using them, you’ll soon start to feel more confident speaking English.

How can I improve my vocabulary in 30 days?

There are a number of ways to improve your vocabulary in 30 days. One effective method is to create a list of new words and review them regularly. You can also try using flashcards or memory games to memorize new words. It’s also helpful to read extensively and take note of any unfamiliar words you come across.

How can students improve their vocabulary?

One effective method is to keep a journal dedicated to new words. Each day, make it a habit to look up the definitions of three or four new words, and then use them in sentences of your own. In addition, be sure to read widely and choose books that challenge you lexically. Not only will this help to expand your vocabulary, but it will also make you a more well-rounded thinker.

How can I improve my English speaking skills by myself?

If you’re looking to improve your English speaking skills on your own, there are a few things you can do to make rapid progress. First, find a conversation partner. This could be a native speaker or someone else who is also learning English. Second, make an effort to speak in English as often as possible, even if you make mistakes. Third, keep a notebook handy so you can jot down new vocabulary and phrases that you hear. Finally, listen to English-language radio or podcasts and read books and articles in English to help improve your pronunciation and grasp of grammar.

How to improve vocabulary for adults?

There are a number of ways that adults can improve their vocabulary, and doing so can have several benefits. One way to improve vocabulary is to read extensively. This not only exposes you to new words but also helps you to understand the context in which they are used.

How to improve English vocabulary and grammar?

A good way to improve your English is to listen to audiobooks or podcasts. As you listen, pay attention to the pronunciation of new words and try to mimic the speaker’s intonation. Additionally, there are many online resources which can help you to learn new vocabulary and grammar rules. Finally, it is important to practice using your new knowledge by speaking and writing as often as possible.

How to improve vocabulary for ielts?

There are a number of effective strategies that can be used to improve vocabulary for IELTS. First, it is important to develop a broad base of general knowledge. This can be done by reading extensively and exposing yourself to new ideas and concepts. In addition, it is helpful to learn the definitions of new words and practice using them in context. Another useful strategy is to keep a journal or notebook in which you write down new words and phrases that you encounter.

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